Experience | Wasonichinichi Kyoto

書道 体験 (すなお書道)

Japanese calligraphy experience

(Service provided by Sunao calligraphy school)


Service provided by Sunao calligraphy school

毎週金曜日 12時00分 〜17時 開催 



Every Friday  12:00〜17:00

(Time required  1 hours)



Same day reservation possible.



We'll practice traditional Japanese calligraphy with a calligraphy teacher, learning the specific items for calligraphy and the basic writing skills as well.



Then, you'll choose your favorite Kanji and write it on your choice of Shikishi-special board, making it your original work.



All of this while admiring your companion's work.



We offer drinks made with special matcha, roasted green tea, soy milk and brown rice milk. Please enjoy both calligraphy experience and special drink!


お一人さま 10,000円(税込) 現地支払い

1person  10,000yen .



payment  on site 

by credit card  or cash.


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